Outlines current management of upper limb conditions in primary care settings
This information is for primary care physicians and a general summary of current practice
Please consult a physician directly for management of specific injuries
Zone 1 Extensor Tendon Injuries (Mallet Injuries)
Mechanism of Injury: Crush type of injury, hyper-flexion of the DIPJ
Associated injuries: Distal Phalanx Fractures, Nail Bed Injury, Wound
Categorised: Tendinous (Extensor Tendon) + Bony Avulsion Injury
Bony Avulsion Mallet Injuries

Surgical Mangement:
Bony fragment affects more than 30% of the DIPJ
Volar subluxation of the DIPJ or subluxation of the bony fragment (see xray)
Compound fracture or associated nail ned injury
Review with ULQ specialist immediately
Conservative Mangement:​
Lag at DIPJ, closed fracture + good DIPJ alignment
Fracture fragment and/or DIPJ is not displaced/subluxed
Fracture involves less than 30% of DIPJ
immobilise DIPJ in neutral to slight extension.
Include PIPJ if swan-neck
Review with ULQ specialist or hand therapist within a week.

DP Subluxation

Tendinous Mallet Injuries
Unable to diagnose using x-ray as extensor tendon has ruptured. Look for extension lag at DIPJ
Surgical Mangement:
Lag at DIPJ + compound injury or associated nail bed injury
Closed injury + has trialled conservative managment
Review with ULQ specialist immediately
Conservative Mangement:
Lag at DIPJ, but no associated bony injury
Closed Injury
immobilise DIPJ in extension
Include PIPJ if swan-neck present.
Review with ULQ specialist or hand therapist within a week

Splint DIP joint into extension with PIP joint free